Edchart Certified
Knime Developer SME
KNIME Certification validates expertise in using KNIME Analytics Platform for data analytics, reporting, and integration. The certification program is designed to assess proficiency in creating data workflows, implementing data transformations, and utilizing KNIME's extensive range of nodes and extensions. To achieve certification, candidates must pass exams that test their knowledge of key concepts, best practices, and practical skills in data processing and analysis using KNIME. The certification ensures that professionals can efficiently use KNIME tools for various data science tasks, including data cleansing, statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. Achieving KNIME Certification demonstrates a solid understanding of the platform, enhancing professional credibility and opening up advanced career opportunities.
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India: |
Other Countries: |
Exam Timing: | 60 (Mins) |
Pass Per | 60% |
Level | Expert |
Roles | Data Analyst,Big Data |
No. of Questions | 30 |
tom (United States of America(USA))Attended on - 2024-05-23 07:05:01
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