Azure Fundamentals Certification | Azure Fundamentals | Azure Fundamentals Exam

Edchart Certified
Azure Fundamentals SMA
Azure Fundamentals Certification is an entry-level certification offered by Edchart that validates the foundational knowledge and understanding of Azure cloud services and concepts. It is designed for individuals who are new to Azure and provides a broad overview of various Azure services, deployment models, security, and management tools.
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India: |
Other Countries: |
Exam Timing: | 60 (Mins) |
Pass Per | 60% |
Level | Associate |
Roles | Administrator,Technology Manager |
No. of Questions | 30 |
Rhythm Jain (United States of America(USA))Attended on - 2023-05-27 22:53:57
Prajapati Priyanshu (India)Attended on - 2023-06-12 03:57:21
Sanjeev (India)Attended on - 2024-01-12 10:28:48
Nasir (Singapore)Attended on - 2024-01-24 08:06:14
Abdul Malik (India)Attended on - 2024-07-04 17:42:45
Joshua Erdy Tan (Philippines)Attended on - 2024-09-06 16:43:06
Jagannath Patra (India)Attended on - 2025-01-02 05:46:33

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