Edchart Certified

Developing Azure Cloud And Web Services SME


Validation of skills: Azure certifications provide a validation of your expertise and skills in developing cloud solutions using Azure services. They demonstrate to employers and clients that you have the knowledge and capabilities to work with Azure effectively. Increased job opportunities: Azure is one of the leading cloud platforms, and many organizations are adopting Azure for their cloud needs. Having Azure certifications can significantly enhance your job prospects, as it demonstrates your proficienc

Azure certification Azure Cloud Services certification Microsoft Azure certification Azure developer certification Azure architect certification Azure administrator certification Azure DevOps certification Azure solutions architect certification Azure developer associate certification Azure administrator associate certification Azure DevOps engineer expert certification Azure fundamentals certification Azure AI engineer certification Azure data engineer certification Azure security engineer certification

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Rs.5000.00 Rs.950.00
$75.00 $18.00

Azure Cloud Services provides a range of powerful tools and services for developing, deploying, and managing applications and infrastructure in the cloud. Here are some key concepts and services to consider when developing with Azure:

  1. Azure App Service: This service allows you to host web applications, RESTful APIs, and mobile app backends in Azure. It supports popular programming languages like .NET, Java, Node.js, and Python.

  2. Azure Functions: This serverless compute service lets you run event-driven code without managing infrastructure. You can write functions in various languages and trigger them based on events or schedules.

  3. Azure Logic Apps: It enables you to build scalable workflows by connecting various Azure services and external systems using a visual designer. Logic Apps provide a no-code or low-code approach to automate processes.

  4. Azure Storage: This service offers scalable and secure cloud storage options, including Blob storage for unstructured data, Table storage for NoSQL key-value data, Queue storage for reliable messaging, and File storage for traditional file shares.

  5. Azure SQL Database: It's a managed relational database service with high availability and scalability. It supports various editions of SQL Server and provides features like automatic patching, backups, and intelligent performance tuning.

  6. Azure Cosmos DB: It's a globally distributed, multi-model database service that can scale horizontally and support multiple data models like document, key-value, graph, and columnar. It offers low-latency access and automatic indexing.

  7. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): It simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications using Kubernetes. AKS provides an optimized environment for running Docker containers with integrated monitoring and scaling capabilities.

  8. Azure DevOps: This set of development tools and services facilitates end-to-end application development, including source control, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), testing, and deployment.

  9. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): It's a cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD provides authentication and authorization for applications, enabling secure access to your resources.

  10. Azure Monitor: This service helps you monitor the performance and availability of your applications and infrastructure in Azure. It offers comprehensive insights, alerts, and diagnostics to ensure optimal performance.

These are just a few examples of the services available in Azure for developing cloud-based applications. The Azure documentation and resources provide detailed information on each service and its usage patterns.

Skills measured

  • Accessing Data,
  • Querying and Manipulating Data by Using the Entity Framework,
  • Creating and Consuming Web API-based services,
  • Designing and Implementing Web Services ,
  • Deploying Web Applications and Services ,


Obtaining Azure Cloud Services certifications can bring several benefits to your professional career. Here are some advantages of getting certified in Azure Cloud Services:

  1. Validation of skills: Azure certifications provide a validation of your expertise and skills in developing cloud solutions using Azure services. They demonstrate to employers and clients that you have the knowledge and capabilities to work with Azure effectively.

  2. Increased job opportunities: Azure is one of the leading cloud platforms, and many organizations are adopting Azure for their cloud needs. Having Azure certifications can significantly enhance your job prospects, as it demonstrates your proficiency in Azure technologies and makes you a valuable asset to potential employers.

  3. Competitive advantage: Azure certifications differentiate you from other candidates in a competitive job market. They can give you an edge when applying for Azure-related roles or promotions within your organization. Employers often prioritize candidates with certifications, as they indicate a commitment to professional growth and continuous learning.

  4. Expanded career options: Azure certifications open up various career paths in cloud computing. With the rapid adoption of Azure by organizations worldwide, certified professionals are in high demand across different industries and sectors. Whether you're interested in development, architecture, administration, or DevOps, Azure certifications can help you explore diverse career opportunities.

  5. Enhanced credibility and trust: Azure certifications build credibility with clients, colleagues, and employers. They demonstrate your ability to design, develop, and deploy solutions using Azure services according to industry best practices. Certification can instill trust in your skills and capabilities, allowing you to take on more significant responsibilities and projects.

  6. Access to Azure resources and communities: Azure certifications provide access to exclusive resources, such as Microsoft's Learning Pathways, official documentation, and online communities. These resources can help you stay updated with the latest Azure features, connect with other professionals, and access valuable insights and best practices.

  7. Professional growth and development: Pursuing Azure certifications requires continuous learning and staying up to date with Azure's evolving services and features. The certification process itself helps you expand your knowledge and gain hands-on experience with Azure, enabling your professional growth and development.


Remember, certifications alone may not guarantee career success, but they significantly strengthen your skill set, increase your marketability, and provide opportunities for advancement in the field of Azure Cloud Services. It's important to combine certifications with practical experience and continuous learning to fully leverage their benefits.


Exam Timing: 60 (Mins)
Pass Per 60%
Level Expert
Roles Software Developer,Web Developer,Cloud Architect
No. of Questions 30
  • Bret Bickham (United States of America(USA))
    Attended on - 2023-11-28 02:09:04
  • Eric Cable (United States of America(USA))
    Attended on - 2024-07-26 01:51:33
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